20-1 대학 수업/금융공학

Chapter4. Term Structure of Interest Rate || Part.3

incastle 2020. 4. 20. 15:22

Short Rates

  • short rates : a simpler way to calculate all future spot rates
    모든 걸 step by step으로 계산하는 건 너무 귀찮아.....한 번에 계산하는 방법임
  • Short rate at time k is the forward rate from k to k+1
    k에서 플러스 1만 함(무조건 1년이네)

  • spot => 끝나는 점 표기 / forward rate => 시작 + 끝나는 점 표기  / r(short) => 시작일만 표기

  • Short rates form a convenient basis for generating all other rates

4.8 Duration


  • duration is a measure of interest rate sensitivity

  • In Chapter 3, duration was the sensitivity with respect to yield

  • In the term structure framework, yield is not a fundamental quantity
    기간에 따라서 yield는 바꼈었어서 fundamental이 아님

  • Instead, we can consider parallel shifts in the spot rate curve
    그래서 spot rate curve를 활용하는 것

음....잘 이해가 안됨

Fisher-Weil Duration

  • Best expressed using continuous compounding
  • Given a cash flow series (X_t0, X_t1, X_t2, .... X_tn) and spot rate curve s_t, the present value is 


  • Then, the Fisher-Weil duration is

  • Note that this corresponds to the definition of duration as a PV-weighted average of the cash flow times

Summary of Chapter 4

  • Yield curve

  • Term structure

    • Spot rates and corresponding discount factors

  • Forward rates

    • Implied forward rate calculation

  • Expectation dynamics

    • Spot rate forecasts and short rates

  • Duration