목록19-1 대학 수업 (22)
incastle의 콩나물
경제성공학 김장호 교수님 수업 (19-1) Cash flow의 종류 isolated single values Series of uniform values Series that increase or decrease values Single-Amount Factor(isolated single values) 현재 돈이 P만큼 있고, 이자가 i일 때, n 년 후의 F(future money)는? 반대로 F를 아는데 P가 궁금하면 수식을 반대로만 써주면 된다. F/P factor and P/F factor are for a single payment => only one payment or receipt Uniform Series The equivalent present worth P of a uniform s..
경제성공학 김장호 교수님 수업 (19-1) Decision Making Decisions are based on economic and noneconomic elements What actually happens might be differnt from our estimate, but our goal is to make good estimates The time frame of engineering economy is primarily future four essential elements cash flow times interest rate measure of economic worth for selecting an alternative Time value of Money (화폐의 시간 가치) It e..